Suzanne Lavallee is a fantastic San Francisco-based web designer who has started a new site called Spoiled Bitch. Let's just start by saying, it's not what you're thinking..."Spoiled Bitch is a weekly email newsletter hopelessly devoted to keeping you fashionably informed about dog culture in the San Francisco Bay Area."
The site content ranges from secret training tips to Fido-friendly getaways to must-have new gear
and upcoming events.
Dauphine designer Katrina McHugh designed the tennis ball logo as well as the looping leash illustration. Suzanne says:
"I want to thank all of you for helping to bring this to fruition. Creating such a stunning logo has not only garnered oodles of praise, but makes me so wildly proud. The darling icon lives proudly on Facebook and the logo and collateral pieces appear on the website and newsletter. As I've shared before, working with all of you was one of the most delightful experiences I've had: talent, timely and team work."
We want to congratulate her on the launch of her site and her new blog. Franny and Frijolito are all over it.